You need faith, that things will be better
You need strength, and you will find it within
You need patience and persistence
You need hope, and you need to keep it close
to the center of everything that means the most to u.
You need to put things in perspective
So much of your life lies ahead!
You need to know how good it can be
You need to take the best of
what you have learned from the old,
and bring it to the beautiful days of a new journey.
Life's new beginning happen for very special reasons
When it's time to move on, remember that it really is okay
Because when a new beginning unfolds in the story of your life,
you go such a long way toward
making the dreams of your tomorrows come true.
... Our dreams come true were started in New Year
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Halo Euisy...
Terima kasih sudah mengunjungi blog saya. Puji Tuhan, kalau ada tulisan saya yang bisa jadi berkat buat saudara-saudari yang membacanya.
Tetap semangat ya Euisy! Kami akan senang menerima kabar darimu selanjutnya. Tuhan memberkatimu selalu!
Salam kenal balik...
From Preston, UK :)
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